tiistai 22. joulukuuta 2009

Student Award finalists announced

The Live 2011 Grand Prix Student Award is over and the finalists have been selected.
Participant works came from all over Finland and differed from games and animations to interactive sonic installations.

The Live 2011 Grand Prix Student Award jury has hand picked 7 works as the category finalists, and the finalist works can be seen at our Youtube channel

And the finalists are:

Brainwave Music Lab: Performative Experiments on Human Test Subjects /Marko Alastalo et al. (Teatterikorkeakoulu)

Dancer as a Painter/ Aku Meriläinen (Lapin Yliopisto)

Digital Captures / Johannes Neumeier (Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu)

Empty Kitchen / Sampo Siren (Lahden Ammattikorkeakoulu)

Product Placement / Matti Niinimäki ( Lapin Yliopisto)

The Third Eye / Niklas Gustafsson (Taideteollinen Korkeakoulu)

Xmasheat / Jussi Karnijoki, Miika Pylkkö and Antti Rantanen (Metropolia)

The jury will select three winners to be awarded, and the results will be announced in January 2010.

torstai 17. joulukuuta 2009

Event Awards given in FutureEverything 2010

Turku – European Capital of Culture in 2011 gives out an extra prize of 1500 euro (total) in co-operation with FutureEverything festival (12-15 May, Manchester England).

Prize will be dealt out to 3 works selected by The FutureEverything Awards jury in co-operation with Turku 2011. One work will go directly the Live2011.com Grand Prix media art & new media competitions final round in a category which the work best fits. Total prizemoney in the Grand Prix is over 140 000 euro and submission deadline is 30th of June 2010. You can take part with innovative online games, social media applications, -sites and -services, audiovisual digital artworks, interactive art etc. Live2011.com Grand Prix categories and submission info can be found at www.live2011.com/grandprix. The deadline for The FutureEverything Awards is 15th January 2010, info can be found at www.futureeverything.org/awards.

Live2011.com Event Award @TEKS-Kosmorama's New Submission Date 15.1.2010

Organisers have decided to lengthen submission date for entries for Integrated Art - Nova Facade Competition in order to respond the requests from the artistic communities. New deadline for submissions is 15.1.2010.

New information:
- Submission date is changed to the 15th January 2010 at 12:00 PM (Norwegian time)
- Sumissions from now on must be delivered only via e-mail to teks@teks.no
- Format PDF and/or JPG, max size 10 MB (bigger than this, your mail does not come through to the competition)
- Submissions are to be sent to teks@teks.no. Attention: Espen Gangvik.

Competition information in English (PDF, this information is under editing and can still have the old submission date, also information about postage stamps is no longer valid)

tiistai 15. joulukuuta 2009

Received: Creative and Joyful Xmas Card

The Regional Dance Centre of Western Finland delivered us a great Seasonal Greetings in form of a dance show telling a story of a Christmas tree thief. A different, sustainable and hilarious card which created many happy faces, laughter and stormy applauses. The best was that we could send the joy further in the city with providing them the next place to visit. What a great idea!

Live team expresses its thanks to the Regional Dance Center: Sometimes digital experience cannot just reach the effect of the physical participation!

External link: The Regional Dance Centre of Western Finland

keskiviikko 2. joulukuuta 2009

Culture 2.0 : Also websites and services can take part

We have received a lot of contacts from people interested in Culture 2.0 category. Due to big demand we´ve decided to open Culture 2.0 category from applications to include also websites and web services that reinvent social media through artistic and/or innovative ways. Same rules still apply for social media applications.
Check out the additions from the category specific rules.

Live2011.com -team