The Live 2011 Grand Prix Student Award is over and the finalists have been selected.
Participant works came from all over Finland and differed from games and animations to interactive sonic installations.
The Live 2011 Grand Prix Student Award jury has hand picked 7 works as the category finalists, and the finalist works can be seen at our Youtube channel
And the finalists are:
Brainwave Music Lab: Performative Experiments on Human Test Subjects /Marko Alastalo et al. (Teatterikorkeakoulu)
Dancer as a Painter/ Aku Meriläinen (Lapin Yliopisto)
Digital Captures / Johannes Neumeier (Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu)
Empty Kitchen / Sampo Siren (Lahden Ammattikorkeakoulu)
Product Placement / Matti Niinimäki ( Lapin Yliopisto)
The Third Eye / Niklas Gustafsson (Taideteollinen Korkeakoulu)
Xmasheat / Jussi Karnijoki, Miika Pylkkö and Antti Rantanen (Metropolia)
The jury will select three winners to be awarded, and the results will be announced in January 2010.